Flight simulators
We respond to the needs of our clients and offer simulation solutions for the following classes of simulators:
- BITD (Basic Instrument Training Device) are devices that replicate the aircraft’s instruments using avionics emulators, enabling training at least for procedural aspects of instrument flight.
- FNPT I, II (Flight Navigation Procedure Trainer) are cockpit models connected to software that represents a specific type or group of aircraft types during flight operations.
- Full Flight simulators offer a complete, full-scale, and functional replica of the cockpit of a specific type of aircraft, combined with the simulation of the aircraft during ground and flight operations. The visualization system provides an outside view from the cockpit, and the actuator system replicates motion sensations.

Simulators BSP
The role of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in both military and civilian operations is constantly growing, and the need for rapid and advanced training of qualified UAV operators is more evident than ever before.
The simulator offered by IT-Com Sp. z o.o. has been designed to train both the person controlling the aerial platform (UAV) and the camera and other sensor operators, providing environments very similar to the operational world, including a unique interaction between the crew members.The flight platform is simulated using a faithfully reproducing flight, 6DOF module in which flight elements are calculated using:
- a quasi-static fixed-wing, rigid-body linear model
- a quaternion model of equations (a structure that is an extension of the complex body model)
- the NASA/Dryden turbulence model
The simulated model is subjected to factors such as wind in various directions and turbulence
All aspects of flight, including the autopilot, are realistically simulated on the platform
The 3D view of the UAV is also modeled to realistically reproduce the limitations resulting from the view from the fuselage, and additionally provide excellent visualization of the platform during flight from different points (from the ground, another aircraft, etc.).
The simulator offered by IT-Com Sp. z o.o. has been designed to train both the person controlling the aerial platform (UAV) and the camera operator simultaneously, providing environments very similar to the operational world, including a unique interaction between the crew members.Additionally, the simulator allows for individual training for the person controlling the aerial platform or the camera operator by working in “single-trainee” mode, with the instructor as the missing crew member. For example, in “single-trainee” mode for the camera operator, the instructor controls the aerial platform from their station and performs the required piloting actions.
On the other hand, the instructor can also control the camera and armament, collaborating with the trained person controlling the aerial platform. Such a training configuration is particularly beneficial for improving coordination between the UAV operator and the camera operator.

Benefits of using the proposed solution:
- Proven system currently used by many customers
- Advanced flight modeling and visualization algorithms
- Training from beginner to expert level
- Ability to define scenarios and analyze their progress
- User-friendly interface
- Low cost
Airport simulators
Together with Micro Nav Ltd, we offer the Fast Airport Builder software for airport infrastructure planning, making changes to existing infrastructure, and recreating designs in 3D format. By utilizing appropriate software modules, the provided solution allows for testing the space in terms of functionality and operations, as well as testing the implemented air traffic control procedures. The software can also be used for training ground staff.
The need to build new airports and expand existing infrastructure is driven by the rapid development of aviation. Thanks to the integrated tools from Micro Nav’s BEST family, modeling and visualizing planned airport construction/expansion, designing, evaluating, and operational testing can be done quickly and cost-effectively.
With these tools, it is possible to build an airport and simulate air traffic. Fast Airport Builder allows for 3D visualization of any airport in a very quick and straightforward manner.Projects can be created and tested in a very short time, and through successive iterations and tests, it is possible to find the most optimal solution in an economical way.
The basis for modeling airport infrastructure and facilities in 3D technology includes satellite images, aerial photographs, or original designs made in CAD.
Simulators ATC
In addition to area supervision positions with 2D visualization, it also provides a view of the airport, accurately replicating the movement of aircraft along taxiways and the apron, as well as airport vehicles.
The simulated ATC model ensures a realistic representation of the ground surface and aircraft behavior, such as acceleration, braking, engine start-up times, and real taxiing and climbing times for various types of aircraft.
The 2D visualization of the airport not only provides ground radar visualization but also allows for observing aircraft approaching for landing or in the traffic pattern in the immediate vicinity of the airport. An additional control panel allows for controlling all airport lighting.

The IT-COM simulator installed at the headquarters of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PAŻP)The 3D visualization allows for simulating the view from the air traffic control tower to the airport.
This task can be accomplished using the simplest screen for small rooms designated for the simulator installation, up to a full 360° visualization using several projectors and polycarbonate screens. It is also possible to design an intermediate solution depending on the client’s requirements.
The simulator designed by IT-COM is used for training air traffic controllers at the headquarters of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency.
Radar simulators
This tool can also be used to control traffic on the airport apron, monitor approaches, and switch to precision approach radar mode.
Radar simulators are used to simulate real ATC systems, enabling their design, testing, evaluation, and training purposes.