
– today and tomorrow

In 2019, IT-COM, as the General Contractor, implemented a special voltage system for the ground support of combat helicopters in Latków near Inowrocław.

The system includes 8 high-power “repair” stations for voltages of 3x200V, 400Hz, and 28VDC, as well as 16 workshop stations equipped with special voltage boards.
In 2019, IT-COM as a subcontractor delivered and commissioned a special voltage system in a new hangar for the maintenance of M-346 aircraft at the air base in Dęblin.

The system includes 3 stations equipped with a “Hatch Pit” floor system for voltages of 3x200V, 400Hz and 28VDC, as well as mobile 28V start-up trolleys. It also includes 25 workshop stations equipped with special voltage boards.
2018 r.  Instalation special systems Ground Power Unit for Aircraft and Helicopters, special operational Polish President.
2017 Project, instalation, configuration system, starting operational Voice Communication System  (VCS) for Polsch Air Navigation Agency (PANSA) in airport Krakow-Balice.
2017 concept, project 2D/3D, adaptation for Simulator of the Air-Traffic Control (ATC) for Polsch Air Navigation Agency (PANSA).
2017 – delivery of specialist monitors of radar for the Polsch Air Navigation Agency (PANSA).
2016 concept, project, start-up new product line of specialist ground power unit for supplying equipped aircraft the hydraulic installation.
2016 concept, project, start-up new product line of specialist ground power unit for supplying equipped aircraft the installation of the 28V.
2015 concept, project, production, delivery, trainings to specialist Mobile Docking System Aluminium for the heavy service to planes BOEING 737 CL/NG and BOEING 787 Dreamliner. ( only one solution containing aluminium above the 92%, working height is crossing 19 m, they don’t require the track and connecting with base, fulfilling EU norms and AMM )
2014 r. delivery of specialist maps for the Aviation emergency ambulance service in the destination of raising the safety of performing air operations.
2013 r. we finished the design, the structure, the delivery and starting Chopin at the airport in Warsaw of Air Passenger Boarding Bridges, carrying the low-voltage infrastructure, connecting to an emergency power generator, of performing the expansion of powering aircraft leaning against next 7 stations of loading for powering 960 400 V Hz, teletechnical, fire, of control systems and the supervision of the active infrastructure of the airport, preparing the docking system of planes.
2012 -delivery 3 mobile automatic meteorological stations for the Polisch Military
2012 we finished design, instalation, bulding infstructure, delivery, starting the VCS System on the tower Airport in Łódz which provides the transport between all users for the tower and is helping with the transport between an air traffic controllers, pilots performing air operations are using the communication, we finished carrying the teletechnical, telecommunications infrastructure out.
2012 r. we finished design, instalation, bulding infstructure, delivery, starting the ATIS System on the tower Airport in Łódz which text he is processing into the speech meteorological information which pilots performing air operations, we finished carrying out the teletechnical, telecommunications, radio infrastructure, of powering in part reserved airports.
2011 r. We finished a design for a building, implementation and we participated in delivery of the pilot strain centrifuge, installation, starting and admission to use of the project of “Piot Train Centrifuge – Training Simulator“. Simulator into operation with built in into the building about the area exceeding 1500 of square metres. A started and installed power system stayed double-sided more 5 Mega Watts as well as station of an emergency power generator. Fire protection systems, teletechnique and secret server room, control systems, the system of sustaining the life of the pilot, the double station of compressors and a lot of other systems.
2010 r. We finished design, build infrastructure, starting operational the ATIS System(System of Automatic Weather Information) on the tower of the Military Airport Poznań Krzesiny, system he is processing the text into the speech and is sending out within a radius of about 50 miles radio, We finished meteorological information which pilots performing air operations are exploiting, carrying out the teletechnical, telecommunications, radio infrastructure, power supplies in part reserved airports.
2010 r. We finished design, structure, delivery, build infrastructure, starting operational the ATIS System (System of Automatic Weather Information) on the tower of the Military Airport Łask, the system is processing the text into the speech and is sending out within a radius of about 50 miles radio we finished meteorological information which pilots performing air operations are exploiting, carrying out the teletechnical, telecommunications, radio infrastructure, power supplies in part reserved airports.
2010 – delivery of specialist monitors of radar for the Polsch Air Navigation Agency (PANSA)
2010 r. final building the infstructure telekomunication in Warsaw ul. Pory 78
2010 r. We finished design, build infrastructure, delivery, starting operational the ATIS System (System of Automatic Weather Information) on the tower of the Military Powidz Airport, the system is processing the text into the speech and is sending out within a radius of about 50 miles, we finished meteorological information which pilots performing air operations are exploiting, carrying out the teletechnical, telecommunications, radio infrastructure, power supplies in part reserved airports.
2010 r. We finished design, structure, delivery, installation Simulator of the air-traffic control for the Polish Agency of the Air Navigation, our company designed the simulator as well as carried the whole out along with the infrastructure.

The simulator contains over 180 computers, from servers through graphical stations to do of workstations connected into one common system where simultaneously can train over 96 trainers/students. Simulator has full-dimension simultaneously to do the tower which can show 200 aircraft, as well as four towers about the angle of sight of 120 degree. It presented the degree of complicating the system as well as the content and the individual workmanship with our name very much high requirements.

The project was finished in time, the warranty period was finished.
2009 r. the delivery and starting and the help in the certification of the simulator of flights of the plane for the aeronautical scool college.
2008 r. delivery to 42 Miltary Air Bases School in Radom of the simulator of the BITD class.
2007 r. Change of the legal form of the company IT-COM Sp z o.o.
2005 r. finishing building structure of the web and the servers room.
2004 r. completing building of the structure in the web and servers building data in tower Góra Kalwaria
2004 r. finishing building structure of the web and the servers room.
2003 r. We are carrying out works consisting in the update of Navigational NavData databases, Obstacle, Safe Taxi, Charts, planning the flight, plans of the frugality, on aircraft as well as flight simulators
2003 r. beginning the frame cooperation with the company Wincor-Nixdorf Sp.z Siemens the producer of cash-machine and bank systems. 

Provided services by our company spread through the building site of the teletechnical infrastructure to ATMs, cash deposit machines, Bank Safes and the many other Bank various devices in poland, we made the relocation and installations new as well as we made temporary installations of ATMs e.g. seaside resorts in the summer period.

We effected 2 thousand installations above in different with time very difficult conditions for the half of 2006.

1997 r.  Bilding structure of the communication network.